B sports entertainment
B sports entertainment

b sports entertainment b sports entertainment

Sports Entertainment Xtreme - Infobox Wrestling team article name=Sports Entertainment Xtreme type=S caption= members=See Members names=Sports Entertainment Xtreme, S.E.X.|debut=Decemdisbanded=June 2003 promotions=Total Nonstop Action Wrestling|Sports… … Wikipedia Sports entertainment - Divertissement sportif Le terme divertissement sportif (ou sports entertainment en anglais) désigne un évènement à caractère sportif, se déroulant de façon scénarisée ou théâtralisée afin d en faire un spectacle divertissant. Sports Entertainment - Divertissement sportif Le terme divertissement sportif (ou sports entertainment en anglais) désigne un évènement à caractère sportif, se déroulant de façon scénarisée ou théâtralisée afin d en faire un spectacle divertissant. Commonly, but not in all cases, the outcomes are… … Wikipedia Sports entertainment - is a type of spectacle which presents an ostensibly competitive event using a high level of theatrical flourish and extravagant presentation, with the purpose of entertaining an audience. Sports entertainment has a stigma of being mindless, low-level pop culture, in some cases glorifying violence for the sake of entertainment, and has been criticized as such in popular media, often through lampooning.ˌentəˈteɪnmənt зрелище, представление эстрадный концерт Roller derby was presented as a popular form of sports entertainment in the 1970s, though modern versions are legitimate competition.

#B sports entertainment professional#

Others modify sport for entertainment purposes: many types of professional wrestling (which derived from traditional wrestling), and more recently many of the various mascot races held at numerous Major League Baseball games in-between innings. Some sports entertainment events represent variants of actual sports, such as exhibition basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters.

b sports entertainment

In 1989, the WWF used the phrase in a case it made to the New Jersey Senate for classifying professional wrestling as "sports entertainment" and thus not subject to regulation like a directly competitive sport. The term "sports entertainment" was coined by World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) chairman Vince McMahon during the 1980s as a marketing term to describe the industry of professional wrestling, primarily to potential advertisers, although precursors date back to February 1935, when Toronto Star sports editor Lou Marsh described professional wrestling as "sportive entertainment".

B sports entertainment